If you are interested in having your baby baptised or wished to be baptised yourself (sometimes referred to as ‘christened’) please read the information below and then complete the contact form to find out more.
You can be assured of a warm welcome!
You will need to collect a form from the church and choose godparents for your child. (They will need to be baptised or willing to commit to such a baptism for themselves). You will be invited to attend a baptism preparation session and also to come along to a baptism service so you can see what is involved.
Baptism is the way we become a member of the local and worldwide Christian family. It is a celebration for parents, godparents, relatives, friends and the whole church. If you follow the links below you may find that many of your questions will be answered.
Christenings | The Church of England
Adult Baptism | The Church of England
There is no money charged for a Baptism. The cost for us is that it is a commitment. It is the first step of faith, showing our intention to follow the way of Jesus. When you bring your child (or children) for baptism, you and the child’s godparents will be asked to declare publicly on behalf of your child that you believe in God and that you will bring your child up to follow the way of Jesus. Everyone present promises to support you and to pray for you and your child (or children).
Baptism usually takes place during the main Sunday morning service which starts at 10.45am.
We’d love you to join us and ask you to keep in touch. In order to help you keep your baptism promises we hold regular family events and Messy Church, specifically planned for little ones! We are here to support you!